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  • Develop plans and reports to achieve qualitative development in the field of community service and consolidate the concept of sustainable development.
  • Building strategic community partnerships with various governmental and private sectors that provide sustainable community services.
  • Motivating the university's employees to actively participate in community activities and work in a team spirit by providing a supportive and stimulating environment.
  • Providing opportunities for continuous education in all fields by establishing and organizing training courses, seminars, and workshops, which contributes to the development of society and keeping pace with Vision 2030.
  • Supporting distinguished initiatives in community partnership activities and sustainable development and building bridges of communication with experts.
  • Exploiting all the university's capabilities, facilities, and the human cadres' skills.

Administrative Board

  • Chairman of The Board Of Trustees.
  • President - Riyadh Elm University.
  • Chief Executive Officer.
  • Dean - College of Medicine and Dentistry.
  • Dean - College of Pharmacy, Nursing, and Medical Sciences.
  • Dean - Student Affairs.
  • Director - Assurance and Accreditation Center.
  • Director - Community Service and Sustainable Development Center.

Community Service and Sustainable Development Center Skeletal Plan

Skeletal Plan

Latest News


COURSE OBJECTIVES:- Understand the impact of fasting on chronic diseases: Explore how Ramadan fasting affects conditions such as diab...

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COURSE OBJECTIVES:-Differentiate between soft skills vs hard shills.- Describe the Importance of soft skills.- Knowing Examples of sof...

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From Price Tags to Health Outcomes

COURSE OVERVIEW: This course is designed to provide the participants with an understanding of infection prevention pra...

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Dr. Loulwa K. Alwabel (Director)

Dr. Loulwa K. Alwabel

- Director of the Community Service and Sustainable Development Center

Aspiring and proceeding from the vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2030, which is based on three main axes: a vibrant society, a thriving economy, and an ambitious nation. At the same time, the third objective is focused on empowering social responsibility. Social responsibility and community service occupy an advanced position and a prominent title within the priorities of Riyadh Elm University and its strategic plan. The university is diligently seeking to consolidate this concept as a major component of its superiority and a source for enhancing the meanings of belonging and loyalty to the land of this country and its people.

Duties of the Director of the Community Service and Sustainable Development Center

  • Oversees the operation of the Community Service and Sustainable Development Center and ensures that all programs and services the center offers adhere to quality and accreditation standards.
  • Assigns tasks and responsibilities across the Community Service and Sustainable Development Center and ensures ongoing monitoring and follow-up.
  • Leads and oversees the development of the community service and sustainability plan and supports the University in refining, tracking, and achieving its goals and benchmarks.
  • Building relationships and partnerships between the university, society, and various governmental and private institutions.
  • Complete and deliver performance indicators and submit them to the Ministry of Education at the end of each semester.

Community Service Projects